Architects Newspaper Re-Use and Renewal Summit


Of Mies and Men: Bringing Mid-Century Icons up to Contemporary Performance Standards

February 23rd
12:45 PM ET - 2:00 PM ET

Mies van der Rohe has become synonymous with his favored building materials—structural, black-painted steel and giant glass curtainwalls. While these modern materials formed an iconic aesthetic, they could also perform badly across different contexts and deteriorated quickly without vigilant upkeep. This panel will address the challenges of renovating two Mies projects—Washington D.C.’s Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, overseen by Francine Houben of Mecanoo and Gary Martinez of OBJ Architects, and the Illinois Institute of Technology’s Kacek Hall, led by Dirk Denison of Dirk Denison Architects—without compromising their design integrity.

Check out event details here.

Monica Jostarticle