Vice Garage, August 2019

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Vice Garage, August 2019

Living in Works of Art

In "Dirk Denison: 10 Houses," journalist Fred A. Bernstein conducts a conversation with the Chicago-based architect.

Obituaries for print may be premature. Newspapers and magazines are struggling, but books have been around for more than 500 years and might outlive the internet. In the field of architecture, I find it hard to keep up with the torrent of monographs, histories and critical studies that gush from publishers around the world. Occasionally a title will seize my attention for its beauty, originality or sense of discovery. This one scores on all three counts. Published by the Barcelona-based firm Actar and handsomely designed by Green Dragon in Los Angeles, it’s a pleasure to read, and it reveals a rare talent.

Check out the article here.

Monica Jost